// import Component from the react module import React, { Component } from "react"; import Modal from "./components/Modal"; import axios from 'axios'; class App extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { viewCompleted: false, activeItem: { title: "", description: "", completed: false }, customersList: [] }; } componentDidMount() { this.refreshList(); } refreshList = () => { axios //Axios to send and receive HTTP requests .get("http://localhost:8000/api/customers/") .then(res => this.setState({ customersList: res.data })) .catch(err => console.log(err)); }; displayCompleted = status => { if (status) { return this.setState({ viewCompleted: true }); } return this.setState({ viewCompleted: false }); }; renderTabList = () => { return (
this.displayCompleted(true)} className={this.state.viewCompleted ? "active" : ""} > completed this.displayCompleted(false)} className={this.state.viewCompleted ? "" : "active"} > Incompleted
); }; renderItems = () => { const { viewCompleted } = this.state; const newItems = this.state.taskList.filter( (item) => item.completed === viewCompleted ); return newItems.map((item) => (
  • {item.title}
  • )); }; toggle = () => { //add this after modal creation this.setState({ modal: !this.state.modal }); }; handleSubmit = (item) => { this.toggle(); alert("save" + JSON.stringify(item)); if (item.id) { // if old post to edit and submit axios .put(`http://localhost:8000/api/tasks/${item.id}/`, item) .then((res) => this.refreshList()); return; } axios .post("http://localhost:8000/api/customers/", item) .then((res) => this.refreshList()); }; handleDelete = (item) => { alert("delete" + JSON.stringify(item)); axios .delete(`http://localhost:8000/api/tasks/${item.id}/`) .then((res) => this.refreshList()); }; createItem = () => { const item = { title: "", description: "", completed: false }; this.setState({ activeItem: item, modal: !this.state.modal }); }; editItem = (item) => { this.setState({ activeItem: item, modal: !this.state.modal }); }; render() { return (

    GFG Task Manager

    {this.state.modal ? ( ) : null}
    ); } } export default App;